Codavision Announces New Distinction Benefiting Local Clients

Feb 17, 2020

Lori Coda-Peterson Successfully Completes International Coach Federation Training Program

Codavision principal Lori Coda-Peterson is pleased to announce her recently-achieved Coach Training Certification on behalf of the International Coach Academy, a program governed by the non-profit International Coach Federation.

Coda-Peterson successfully completed the accredited Certified Coach Program, which consists of 125 hours of Coach-Specific Training including mentor coaching, observed coaching and a final performance evaluation. The Coach Training Certification is an important distinction benefiting local individuals and teams — as this confirms Coda-Peterson’s credibility as an expert in her field.

The ICF Credential is the only globally recognized professional coaching certification. With this credential, coaches demonstrate their knowledge, skill, and commitment to high ethical and professional standards. It’s important to note that Coach Training that is accredited by ICF has gone through a rigorous review process and demonstrated that its curriculum aligns with the ICF definition of coaching, Core Competencies and Code of Ethics. This means Coda-Peterson received the highest-quality training possible, and is one of the few coaches throughout the world (less than 20,000) who have passed through this challenging training program.

“I’m so thrilled to have had the opportunity to work with the ICF on advancing my skillset,” said Lori Coda-Peterson, Codavision’s principal. “My client base consists of top performers, motivated leaders and powerful managers who seek to reach the next level of extraordinary in their personal and professional lives — and this distinction solidifies my commitment to serving as a leader in my industry, too.”

Coda-Peterson has 22 years of experience in business coaching, sales training, and leadership development. She’s a highly intuitive coach who inspires others to grow and achieve, championing others to become the leader who people want to follow, instead of being the manager people are expected to follow. She’s known by her peers and clients for being focused, strategic, hard-working, empathetic, and honest.


About Codavision, LLC

Coaching creates waves and powers lasting results — and Coach and Consultant Lori Coda-Peterson, as Codavision, can prove it. Founded in Duluth, MN in 2018, Codavision helps business professionals, entrepreneurs and leaders plan the future with imagination and wisdom. With two decades of experience coaching individuals and developing leaders, Coda-Peterson knows how to help teams cross finish lines victoriously. Codavision guides clients toward the highest vision for themselves, their business, and their team. Potential clients can email [email protected] to get in touch.

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